Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Almost October

 Hmmm, haven't posted since April. Blogger looks different. Stuff happens when you don't pay attention. 

Pandemic depression. I spent a few months not doing much of anything but knitting and working Sudoku puzzles. I hope most of that is over. I'm riding my bicycle a few times a week and trying to walk the other days weather permitting. 

I was so glad that Laura and Sally landed east of us. Beta was some welcome rain, but now the bicycle path is flooded. 

Oh, and I'm working on some designs. 

Maybe I'll be posting less and focusing on designs. Maybe. 

First, is the TKGA masters certificate sweater. I just cast on. I did the swatch way back in May or June. It took a while to get it right and then for KnitPicks to restock the colors I wanted. 

Here is the swatch. Tell me it is pretty.

I also entered some gloves into the TKGA contest. I wrote the pattern so if someone wants to test knit it to check I'll send it onto the first person who asks. 

My husband took the photos. I think they are great.