Well, it is almost February.
The last few years, I have been binge watching streaming series or binge listening to audio books while I knit. Since the pandemic, I've spent more time just knitting. My husband is working in our home office, so perhaps I'm embarrassed about how much media I consume. In any event, when I'm knitting without media my mind wanders and I find I'm obsessing about some knitting ideas more than others.
It is a struggle to keep up progress on my TKGA project. However, finishing all the bits for submission this year is a top priority. I've set the armhole steeks, and after the next pink band I'll set the neck. I decided to steek that as well. The picot edge used on the cuffs and waist welt will be echoed on the neckband and I can work a few more rows to cover up the raw edge.That is the plan at least.
So, on to obsessions. There are several but I think I'll cover one at a time. Less overwhelming for me.