Monday, March 05, 2018

Two Sleeves

I'm done with the second sleeve for Hank 7. Easier going now that I have a feel for the pattern. I plan to work the body on a circular so that should speed up the progress.

I used almost one skein on the first sleeve. I was eight rows from finishing the second sleeve and encountered a series of bad spots in the yarn. The joys of working with vintage. I kept splicing until I got to the next to last row and realized it turned into a big mess. So, I ripped and reknit and am much happier now.

I'm planning for a 42" body. Using the sleeves as a giant swatch that means 3.5 repeats per side.


But, I have read Meg Swanson, so I know that I can just center my pattern and make a fake seam. So, that is what will happen.

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