Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Short Again, so Make it Short

So, two sleeves now, but not without a small kerfuffle. I got near the end and realized I had made a mistake in the graphic near the sleeve.


Ignore or fix? Ignoring would be very easy. My husband would see it, because he has eyes that work that way. I'll probably give away the sweater, so why would that matter. On the other hand, I've grafted whole sweaters before and a little sleeve is not that big a deal. The pattern has a few single color rows, so easy peasy. My original intention with this brown and tan yarn was to create a graphic that flipped dominant/background color every stripe. I have about the same amount, and that would have worked out.

Here is the mistake. Can you see it on the left?

And fixed. No worries.

Yet, this project still in trouble.  I again find myself short of yarn. Instead, I decided this already made pattern would work better. The patterns didn't flip well because part of the rhythm of the piece is the dark bands on either side. So now, with the sleeves done, I'm running long on the tan and short on the brown.

After considering some options, I've decided to make this a jacket instead of a pullover. V neck like the pattern model. That should save some yards, but not enough. So, cropped is stylish.... let's crop it.  Regular black welt, but the body will begin with the second red/black graphic. Time to cast on. 

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