Monday, July 11, 2005

Pretty Madli being modeled by my dining room chair. She will go into the Christmas stash drawer.

Christmas is on my mind. I haven't really liked Christmas for a while now; such high expectations; so much work. My husband and I were discussion it; he still can't belief I've become so hostile to that holiday. I told him I wanted to drop out; like to go Mexico or charter a sailboat. We discussed some more, and decided to float the idea by BIL and SIL. BIL passed to SIL, whose first response was....

"I'll have to get passports for the boys"

I'm proud to have such a trooper in my extended family. No hesitation, just straight to the problem solving. So between us, we e-mailed sites, suggestions, ideas, and last weekend made our choice and booked. Husband even bought tickets.

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