Saturday, April 06, 2019


One of the challenges of working with vintage yarn is that sometimes you encounter the unexpected. I find myself delighted by the spring and yardage of the old Bernat Sesame 4 and wish that product was still available.

Yesterday, I found that one of my hanks of mystery grey wool was ruined. For some reason there was a cut about 3/4 through the hank.

So, where I once had plenty of yarn to make a pullover using the pattern from the Sandness Gausta pattern, I am now short. While I have plenty of red, I will have 6 ounces of grey, and my estimate is that I need about 8 ounces to finish as planned.

I brainstormed with my husband and came up with several options. I rejected just placing the pattern on the front and also not interested in making a crop. Below are really terrible drawings describing the choices in play. Imagine the grey spots and scribbles to be the very organized Gausta pattern.

Feel free to comment on any of them or suggestion an additional option either here or on Ravelry.

For what it is worth, I have three 4 ounce skeins of worsted in black and 8 ounces of white that can be added to the mix.

Stitch Fiddle diagrams that are more comprehensive:

Choice 1

Choice 2


Unknown said...

I like the top option!

Anonymous said...

I like the black on the bottom and grey on the top