Tuesday, March 30, 2004

An update even though I feel more like hiding. Over the course of a seven hour Red Cross Babysitting class, I ripped the purple vest back to the error I discovered. I just managed to get the thing off of the needles when they finished. I was at this class with my Girl Scout troop, and I was disturbed. Last year our cookie manager was a flake, and my co-leader had to spend three hours helping her get the paperwork straight. This year, a different manager seems to have "lost" 41 boxes of cookies. I love the scouts, and my co-leader is great but we can't get the other parents to be responsible. We will have to figure something else out to keep it fun.

But, back to the vest. It looked like this:

Now what?
Well, I crocheted the edges the best I could and cut the thing apart. Shhhhhh.... the edges are a mess.

I've done the I-cord edge for one sleeve, and half of the second. After all the first round of I cord is done, I'll try a few ideas to hide the mess inside. Stay tuned.

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