Monday, April 19, 2004

Wow, progress on almost all knitting fronts.

It's all done but the buttons, and just in time for the Texas summer. I have no idea why I had so much trouble making myself work on this. It was, after all, my idea to donate a hand knit vest as a Girl Scout Leader appreciation item. I'm thinking that I prefer to do all the choosing. Maybe that is what I enjoy about the knitting process - the ability to be the one to control the outcome.

Now, since I have been having trouble with the motivation, I allowed for a box to sit on my desk unopened for two weeks. I knew what is in it, and I wanted to fondle the contents, but I decided to hold off until this vest was finished.
And, here we are:

It's Brilla rayon/cotton from Elann. And swatched:

I also ordered the "Crystal Cove" pullover pattern from "Just One More Row" I have some business trips coming and it appears to be mostly mindless garter, with an interesting shape.

Upstairs, I got to the knitting machine blankie. It's been lonely as I've been pushing to finish the vest. This, I recall is an exercise to learn knitting machine intarsia. It went smoothly until the first glass of wine, then the carriage started sticking. Don't know if the weight needs to be re-arranged, or if the wine does not go well with machine knitting. I'm five of eight pattern repeats into the piece, and want to get it off the machine this week so I can take it on a business trip to finish. If I can do a repeat a night, except for Tuesday when I have a Girl Scout Leader meeting, it will be done by Friday. Then, lovely hours of end weaving, and a vast expanse of I cord edge awaits.

Not to be forgotten, the traveling sweater second sleeve is now about seven inches.

All this is clearing the deck to finish the patient and long neglected Henry8.

Well, I'm interested in that Inbeborg knit along that Wendy is hosting. Discipline - I won't start that until Hank is finished.

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