Wednesday, October 28, 2020

So much for the schedule

 Well well. 

I planned to beaver away at my beautiful TKGA certification project and complete two sleeves this month. Then that designer bug I had caught got into my head. 

I designed a hat. I may rip apart the band and redo it as the cast off I chose is way too tight. But, the chart is done and instructions are written. I need to take a better picture, but here is an OK one:

Now, I'm working on a child sized pullover with a circular yoke. I want to sprinkle the decreases so that they don't line up. I was worrying about creating an impossibly complicated set of instructions as I worked through the sizes.

Last night my brain figured out how to work out the instructions. It was a blinding flash of the obvious. Turns out that if I choose increments of 18 for the yoke stitch count I can write all the decrease rows the same, adding one new row for each size. Gauge for this design is 5.25 sts/inch so adding 12 sts to the body increases the chest width about 2" which is about one size. 

 So, when I work out the same design for adults, I'll begin with the yoke and work back from there. 

I hope to finish my current design this week at which point I will go make my second sleeve. 

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