Thursday, August 07, 2003

Happy birthday was followed by a down day. My increase in excercise caused my body to bonk, and I just went to bed. I had expected to have finished the fall colors baby sweater, and gotten started on some socks, but looked at the back of my eyelids instead. I guess I'll just have to ease into fitness like the old(er) lady that I seem to be now. Yoga tonight, so I ought to be feeling much better. Yawn.

I noticed that the famous Wendy has added me to her link list. Thanks, Wendy! Like so many others I have coffee with you on most weekday mornings.

School starts for my daughter week after next. What happened to summer vacation? Time to gather up the Girl Scout stuff, and get started on that as well. My "to do" list just gets longer. Sigh.

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