Thursday, May 22, 2003

Just how long was that car trip yesterday?

Well, it was 15" long on the feather and fan wrap I'm working on. Got bored in the car, and decided that I really needed to finish up that project before we got home. I really don't want mohair on my lap much longer now that the summer weather is creeping upon us. Didn't happen. I still have a little wad of yarn left. Could have finished with about an hour of TV watching, but I was too tired. What is it about sitting in a car that wears you out?. It's looking nicer. I was worried for a while there. I'm hoping the lace pattern will open up a whole lot more after a block. There's about 30", and I think it will finish about about 32", and I'm hoping for another 4" or more of length when it's blocked.

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